Thursday, October 11, 2007

the new digs

the past 2 weeks have been a whirlwind. Chris started work in Orillia on Oct 1, so he took the bus up with a backpack of belongings and camped out in a dorm room for 3 nights, then a motel room for 2 nights. he got the keys for our new place on the friday of that week, and then caught the bus back to Toronto for the Thanksgiving weekend. check out his veggie blog to see what we had for T-day dinner. Then we packed up the car full of chris things and drove up to deliver him and his belongings for a second week of work.

all of this on top of trying to be a good grad student, has me feeling a bit fried these days. it's a long transition period, but i trust that it will be worth it in the end!

our townhouse is completely empty, but i took some photos of it since a) the link i emailled out to people didn't work and b) i won't actually be moving in there for another month and a half. it looks like the photo i took of the front of the house didn't work, so i'll have to post that at a later date. so, here we go:

Chris entering our new home with his prized possession - the pool noodle.

view from the hallway into the living room.

view from the hallway into the kitchen.

view from the living room looking into the kitchen.

view from the living room looking to the hallway and the stairs leading to 2nd floor.

looking left at the top of the stairs - the washroom on the right, guest room in the middle, office on the left.

looking right at the top of the stairs - you can see into the master bedroom.

and...the master bedroom. 2 closets, 2 windows, a door into bathroom (not shown in photo) and probably space enough for everything we currently own.

chris stealing wireless from one of the nieghbours. hee hee.

a view of the back "yard".

there you have it! not sure what state the place will be in by the time i get up there. chris will probably be so used to living without furniture that he'll want to go all minimalist on me!

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