Thursday, January 17, 2008


For those who don't know what the name of my blog means, let me explain.

Klompen = wooden shoes worn by crazy Dutch folk

Girl = human of the female variety


Klompengirl = a chick with a pair of clogs

That's me!! My dad was born in the Netherlands (note: the Netherlands does not = Holland). Which makes me, by default, a Dutchie.

Actually, he was born in a province called Friesland where they speak Frisian, not Dutch. But that's another story.

Given this heritage, I took it upon myself to get my own pair of klompen, so I asked my Uncle Bill to bring a pair over some years ago. He must have chosen the ugliest pair of klompen in all of Friesland. Wouldn't you agree? (...yes, those are horse heads...)

But, lucky for me, my lovely cousin Mary Simon Stenekes, took pity on me and bought me another pair of (way cooler) klompen for Christmas. These ones are slippers!

How cool is that?
I am stoked. I have my very own pair of klompen slippers.

For my more "cultured" readers, here's some information about an art exhibit featuring klompen, as pictured below.

And just to make you laugh, here's a video of some crazy Dutch folk dancing in their klompen (32 seconds).

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